World of warships how much are super special containers
World of warships how much are super special containers

Love the gameplay and I enjoy myself immensely. Please, the friendly (and enemy) AI could use some work in the area of I.Q.

world of warships how much are super special containers

) And oh yes, don't forget about the bot obsession with touching tips and blowing themselves to bits. On an unrelated, but also frustrating note, how is it that the enemy bots are torpedo clairvoyant, turning to avoid torps the instant you fire them well outside their detection range, but the friendly bot cruiser that you waited and fired behind at the magical torp dodging enemy bot, is so suicidal it will make a hard 180 degree u-turn back directly into the path of the very same salvo of torpedoes that the enemy bot just magically dodged? I understand the friendly bots are programmed to ride the short bus to help even the playing field, but that's a special kind of "I brought my own helmet" there. Did I get put in super container time out or something? (I'm in good standing, have good karma, don't talk trash, I give out lots of compliments etc, so I don't think it's punishment). I don't do the luck choice, because I never get jack diddly if I do, and I usually stick to credits or signals, but still, a 4 month drought of no super containers seems excessive. So they apparently are still out there, and not the Pegasus I was beginning to take them for, but I'm not getting any. It's been so long since I got one, that I'd ask if wows removed them from the game, but I'll be playing in Discord with my brother or clan, and the guys are all going "Woohoo! Super container".

world of warships how much are super special containers

Despite a good container average, I haven't gotten a super container since about 2 weeks before Christmas, or about 400+ containers ago (aside from the challenge/mission containers).

world of warships how much are super special containers

I checked my oil earnings in my clan to verify my weekly container average, and I'm sitting at 11 containers a week usually.

World of warships how much are super special containers